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Beyond Fuel Efficiency: Further Considerations When Shopping For A Green Car

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With people become more environmentally conscious, many motorists are becoming interested in green cars (vehicles with minimal pollution of the environment). However, there is a fixation on fuel efficiency as if it is the only factor determining how "green" a car is. While a fuel-efficient car is good for the environment, there are other factors to consider when it comes to choosing an environmental friendly car, such as these three:

Fuel Emissions

Conventional cars burn fuel and give off exhaust gases that are comprised of different compounds and chemicals such as water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, and many others. Some of these emissions, such as sulfur dioxide, are harmful to the environment. Therefore, a car with lower emissions is better than one with high emissions.

The design of a vehicle determines how much gases it emits. For example, the types of materials used determine the weight of the car, which is also a factor in emissions. Also, the inclusion of technological advances (such as catalytic converters) can significantly reduce the volume of dangerous gases in the exhaust. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has a smog rating database that you can use to gauge the level of emissions in a car's exhaust.

Toxic Chemicals from Parts

It's not just the exhaust gases that give off dangerous chemicals; even the materials used in manufacturing different parts of your car are to blame. Interior auto parts are especially notorious for giving off noxious chemicals that cause both acute and long-term health consequences. Apart from that, the chemicals also leach into the environment (soil or water) when your car ages and you have to dispose of it.

An example of these chemicals is bromine, which is used to make plastics fire resistant and has been linked to thyroid problems. Another example is chlorine, which is found in polyvinyl chloride (a type of plastic widely used in car interiors), and has been linked to different health issues such as kidney and liver damage. The site can help you research the toxic chemicals used in your car.

Fuel type

Another thing to consider is the type of fuel your potential car uses. Some fuels, such as liquid petroleum gas (LPG), are inherently "cleaner" (produce minimal exhaust gases) than others. Also, diesel engines may be more fuel efficient, but they produce more and bigger particulate matters in their exhausts.

Therefore, it's clear that no single factor determines car greenness. Moreover, most of these factors are intertwined. For example, one type of fuel may burn more efficiently than others and give off minimal exhaust gases and chemicals. To explore all of these options, visit a car dealer like Kar Connection.
